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Location: Brainerd, Minnesota, United States

A mom of adult children and loving it. I am a deaconess in the United Methodist Church serving in Brainerd, MN

Thursday, December 21, 2006

My Thirteen Things for this week: Week #4

Thirteen Things I would do if I did not Have to Work:

1. Allow myself to sleep in. Now when I have a day off I make sure to get up so I can make the most of a day away from work. I sure would like to sleep in-even if I get up at 10 am it would be luscious.

2. Take a knitting class. I know I could go to one now but it sure would be easier if I didn't have to worry about work. I would also have time to work on knitting projects.

3. Spend at least one week camping. And mean tent camping--none of this camper with a generator and running water. I would camp next to a lake or a river and cook my meals over a fire and let my day just flow.

4. I would make sure I read every day. I would read more nonfiction and find great joy in reading fiction.

5. Spend time every day writing. I would continue to journal as I do now, but include time writing with an eye to publishing or at least growing in my skills as a writer.

6. Volunteer more hours at the elementary school across the street.

7. Bring back the tradition of sending letters. I love emails and instant messaging but I love writing letters as well.

8. Take another road trip with my husband. I would love to go without an itinerary and no destination in mind.

9. Continue building my perennial gardens and paths. The ultimate goal would be to have the whole yard covered with paths and gardens.

10. Learn to play bass guitar. For some reason I just think it would be fun to play the bass guitar.

11. Maybe, and this is a big maybe--I would get my driver's license. I know, a grown woman who doesn't drive, but I really don't have a lot of desire to drive despite how helpful it would be to my family if I did drive.

12. Go to high school sporting events. These young men and women need community support for all of their hard work.

13. Join a book club to help me in that desire to read more.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can do a lot more stuff when you're self-employed, and can organize your own schedule. It's one of the main perks that keeps me going, even when the income gets a little thin. I'd say go for it anyhow, though - even if you only do one or two of those things in any given year, it'll be worth it to be doing something you've always wanted to do.

7:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wish I had time to read more! Usually when I do's for work! Great list! Happy TT and Merry Christmas!!!


9:54 PM  
Blogger Norma said...

Sounds very similar to my retirement--and I love every day. Had a terrific job, but haven't missed it. No gardening or camping, though. No interest in those.

My Thursday Thirteen is up--remembering special Christmas gifts. Check here.

I've also got a blog called Growth Industry I'm always looking for links and if you're over 50, you'd qualify.

3:33 AM  

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