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Location: Brainerd, Minnesota, United States

A mom of adult children and loving it. I am a deaconess in the United Methodist Church serving in Brainerd, MN

Friday, September 22, 2006

Practice Helps--A devotion written for a youth outing next Tuesday---

Do you know what a gutter ball is?

Did any of you have a gutter ball or two today or have you ever had a gutter ball? (Let some of them share their gutter ball experiences)

What if you were asked to bowl a game trying to get gutter balls only? Would that feel strange to you?

It would feel strange wouldn’t it because the goal of bowling is to get strikes, to knock down all of the pins with one ball. The more pins we knock down with a ball the better our score. The idea is to have the highest score on our team, right?

I bet many of you had good scores today, maybe bowled a higher score than you did the last time you went bowling. Bowling is a game that takes practice. We want to do better than getting gutter balls, so we have to work at it.

Our walk with Christ is like bowling a good game. We have to practice, spend time with God, in order to grow in our life with Christ. Can you think of ways we can practice our life with Christ? (read Bible, pray, go to church, Christian Ed., Bible school, go to youth group, share with others)

In the book of Colossians it talks about living and growing with Christ.

Read Colossians 2:6-7; 3:1-4;12-17

Can you list some of the things those verses say we should do?

Being a Christian takes practice, just like bowling well takes practice. I hope that each of you will take time each day to spend time with God by reading your Bibles and praying and that you will come to church and Christian Ed. as much as you can so you can continue to learn how to grow as a Christian.



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