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Location: Brainerd, Minnesota, United States

A mom of adult children and loving it. I am a deaconess in the United Methodist Church serving in Brainerd, MN

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Thoughts from Caribou Coffee

It is my day apart and so I am sitting at Caribou having my new favorite coffee drink, Pumpkin Spice coffee steamer. Oh my goodness, it is tasty!! I have a new laptop which I have had for almost a month and have used twice. This is the first time I have ever gone online with it thanks to some problems we are having with our router at home. So, now that I know for myself that I do have the right connections I have to figure out what to do with the router at home. I really want to be able to sit in bed and go online to do my blogging, write emails, etc. So, I will definitely make a big effort to get that router fixed.

I like having this interesting way to be working but relaxing. I like this community in a small place. There are two women having an intense conversation at a small table. Another table has two men discussing their church and developing strong mission statements. A funeral director and another man are at another table. Earlier there was a student doing some studying at that same table. I am truly enjoying the music playing from up above and the constant hum of voices in this place. I can hear voices and pick out words but not whole conversations. It is a soothing sound. I am finding myself actually tuning it all out as I write. Must mean that I am really concentrating or that it is just so relaxing that it just becomes part of me.

Last night we had the bigget group we have ever had for Sign a Way group. And two of the regulars weren't there. We actually worked on a real skit that takes more than 3 people. They are getting really good at signing their song. Casting Crowns-Lifesong is a wonderful song to sign. The words have very expressive signs, which is very important when choosing a song to do for worship. The idea of signing the song is that it is expressive, is artistic, and has a very good message. Pam brought that song to mission trip this summer and I taught some of the signs to the group then. We hope to do this song for worship this month.

We did cookie baking last night as well. I didn't go get extra mixes but we did bake a lot of cookies in an hour since I found some cake mix and brownie mix in the pantry. We had five youth there to bake and that was wonderful. There is so much opportunity to visit with the youth during this time. They share so many things and we can really discuss issues if they come up and the whole time we are making cookies that will be served at coffee time after church. It is a really wonderful relationship building time.

Nothing profound today to write about. I am just content to relax as I drink my coffee, enjoy the hujm of conversations and look up and view all the people in conversation with each other. That is fun for me. I have definitely started my day off right today.


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