As my son says, "This would make a great CD cover."
I just like it because of the sense of freedom it represents. A place with no visible boundaries, a road that goes on to who knows where, and signs to help point the way.
Just what I need in life, an open road to follow, a chance to head to new places instead of being stuck in one spot for too long, and with signs along the way to guide me.
I love the blue sky, not perfect-a few clouds to show that there is something brewing up there in the sky.
What you can't see in the prairie grasses are the the cactuses. They are hidden. The only way we knew they were there was due to the prescribed burns going on. The native plants would stay alive but the grasses and all would burn away, leaving these little cactuses still green on the ground. I like the idea of having hidden treasures in this wide open space. You think you can see everything (one spot we could see for 30 miles if there wasn't any environmental pollution in the air that day), but really you can't. There are plants hidden within plants, there are animals hidden in there, too.
I like that idea as well. The chance to be hidden even when you think you are right out in the open. Kind of like that daydream I have sometimes. Wondering if I could find a place where I could hide that no one would find me. People could be walking by, but I wouldn't be detected. Or wondering if I could move from hiding place to hiding place without being found out. Just staying hidden for awhile, to see if I could do it. Not to be a recluse or run from someone or something--just to see if I really could do it.